Apache Beach (ab)是Apache自带的一个性能测试工具,专门用来测试网站的性能, 不仅限于Apache web服务器。
它可以将每个测试数据写入的一个文件中。 格式如下:
starttime: 开始时间
seconds: unix timestamp
ctime: 建立socket connection的时间
dtime: 服务器消息处理的时间
ttime: 总花费时间
wait: 发送请求到收到请求的时间
以上内容来源于Tom's Blog
ab 本身也会输出统计信息如:
Connect and Waiting times: The amount of time it took to establish the connection and get the first bits of a response
Processing time: The server response time—i.e., the time it took for the server to process the request and send a reply
Total time: The sum of the Connect and Processing times