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使用Go实现TLS 服务器和客户端
传输层安全协议(Transport Layer Security,缩写:TLS),及其前身安全套接层(Secure Sockets Layer,缩写:SSL)是一种安全协议,目的是为互联网通信提供安全及数据完整性保障。
SSL包含记录层(Record Layer)和传输层,记录层协议确定了传输层数据的封装格式。传输层安全协议使用X.509认证,之后利用非对称加密演算来对通信方做身份认证,之后交换对称密钥作为会谈密钥(Session key)。这个会谈密钥是用来将通信两方交换的数据做加密,保证两个应用间通信的保密性和可靠性,使客户与服务器应用之间的通信不被攻击者窃听。
[转]Java 8:StampedLock,ReadWriteLock以及synchronized的比较
synchronized关键字是语言层面的加锁机制,它可以用于方法以及代码块。这个关键字是由HotSpot JVM来实现的。我们在代码中分配的每一个对象,比如String, Array或者一个JSON文档,在GC的层面的对象头部,都内建了一个加锁的机制。JIT编译器也是类似的,它在进行字节码的编译和反编译的时候,都取决于特定的某个锁的具体的状态和竞争级别。
尽管这样,读写锁也还不够快,有时候甚至会表现得非常慢,慢到你压根儿就不应该使用它。然而JDK的这帮家伙们没有放弃治疗,现在他们带来了一个全新的StampedLock。这个读写锁使用了一组新的算法以及Java 8 JDK中引入的内存屏障的特性,这使得这个锁更高效也更健壮。
RPCX: 一个用Go实现的类似Dubbo的分布式RPC框架

rpcx是一个类似阿里巴巴 Dubbo 和微博 Motan 的分布式的RPC服务框架,基于Golang net/rpc实现。
微博的RPC框架 Motan 也正式开源了,如张雷所说:
2013 年微博 RPC 框架 Motan 在前辈大师们(福林、fishermen、小麦、王喆等)的精心设计和辛勤工作中诞生,向各位大师们致敬,也得到了微博各个技术团队的鼎力支持及不断完善,如今 Motan 在微博平台中已经广泛应用,每天为数百个服务完成近千亿次的调用。
负载均衡、容灾、服务监控等功能。因此我基于Go net/rpc框架实现了一个类似Dubbo的分布式框架。
和rpcx比较类似的Go RPC框架是go-micro,但是rpcx提供了更丰富的功能,基于TCP的通讯协议性能更好。
[译]Scala DSL教程: 实现一个web框架路由器
原文: Scala DSL tutorial - writing a web framework router, 作者: Tymon Tobolski
Scala非常适合实现DSL(Domain-specific language)。我在使用Scala的过程中印象深刻的是scalatest和spray-routing,
或者 akka-http的路由(route)的配置 (akka-http可以看作是spray 2.0的版本,因为作者现在在lightbend,也就是原先的typesafe公司开发akka-http):
更好的Scala I/O: better-files

对于使用Scala的程序员来说, I/O操作如文件的读写通常使用scala.io.Source来实现。但是这个类功能还是欠缺的,而且功能混乱,因此在Scala类库的增强提案(Scala IO fix-up/overhaul)中如何改进它争论相当的大,甚至有些开发者提议将这个库废掉,让社区实现的第三方来完成这方面的工作,或者引导开发者使用java.nio
当然,作为一个使用Scala的公司来说,可能会自己实现了辅助的I/O操作的方法, 比如类似FileUtils等名称的一些类。Java程序员可能已经熟悉了使用java.nio.file.Files、Guava、Apache common-io、jodd FileUtil等开源I/O库,但是如果使用Scala进行I/O操作时,虽然还是可以使用这些Java I/O库,但是毕竟还是不是那么纯粹,因此,我们可以关注一下Scala实现的I/O库,比如sbt io、Ammonite-Ops、better-files等。
更新Maven POM文件中依赖库的版本
维护一个Maven管理的Java项目的时候,有的时候需要更新项目依赖的第三方的库,比如将Spring 3.2.16升级成Spring 4.2.5。我们可以通过Maven versions插件自动化的实现。
- versions:compare-dependencies compares the dependency versions of the current project to the dependency management section of a remote project.
- versions:display-dependency-updates scans a project's dependencies and produces a report of those dependencies which have newer versions available.
- versions:display-plugin-updates scans a project's plugins and produces a report of those plugins which have newer versions available.
- versions:display-property-updates scans a projectand produces a report of those properties which are used to control artifact versions and which properies have newer versions available.
- versions:update-parent updates the parent section of a project so that it references the newest available version. For example, if you use a corporate root POM, this goal can be helpful if you need to ensure you are using the latest version of the corporate root POM.
- versions:update-properties updates properties defined in a project so that they correspond to the latest available version of specific dependencies. This can be useful if a suite of dependencies must all be locked to one version.
- versions:update-property Sets a property to the latest version in a given range of associated artifacts.
- versions:update-child-modules updates the parent section of the child modules of a project so the version matches the version of the current project. For example, if you have an aggregator pom that is also the parent for the projects that it aggregates and the children and parent versions get out of sync, this mojo can help fix the versions of the child modules. (Note you may need to invoke Maven with the -N option in order to run this goal if your project is broken so badly that it cannot build because of the version mis-match).
- versions:lock-snapshots searches the pom for all -SNAPSHOT versions and replaces them with the current timestamp version of that -SNAPSHOT, e.g. -20090327.172306-4
- versions:unlock-snapshots searches the pom for all timestamp locked snapshot versions and replaces them with -SNAPSHOT.
- versions:resolve-ranges finds dependencies using version ranges and resolves the range to the specific version being used.
- versions:set can be used to set the project version from the command line.
- versions:use-releases searches the pom for all -SNAPSHOT versions which have been released and replaces them with the corresponding release version.
- versions:use-next-releases searches the pom for all non-SNAPSHOT versions which have been a newer release and replaces them with the next release version.
- versions:use-latest-releases searches the pom for all non-SNAPSHOT versions which have been a newer release and replaces them with the latest release version.
- versions:use-next-snapshots searches the pom for all non-SNAPSHOT versions which have been a newer -SNAPSHOT version and replaces them with the next -SNAPSHOT version.
- versions:use-latest-snapshots searches the pom for all non-SNAPSHOT versions which have been a newer -SNAPSHOT version and replaces them with the latest -SNAPSHOT version.
- versions:use-next-versions searches the pom for all versions which have been a newer version and replaces them with the next version.
- versions:use-latest-versions searches the pom for all versions which have been a newer version and replaces them with the latest version.
- versions:commit removes the pom.xml.versionsBackup files. Forms one half of the built-in "Poor Man's SCM".
- versions:revert restores the pom.xml files from the pom.xml.versionsBackup files. Forms one half of the built-in "Poor Man's SCM".
也提供了三个reporting goal:
- versions:dependency-updates-report produces a report of those project dependencies which have newer versions available.
- versions:plugin-updates-report produces a report of those plugins which have newer versions available.
- versions:property-updates-report produces a report of those properties which are used to control artifact versions and which properies have newer versions available.
如果你的项目中artifact的版本都是通过属性定义的,那么mvn versions:display-property-updates
你可以手工更改这些依赖的版本,也可以通过mvn versions:update-properties
上面的命令会为你原始的pom.xml产生一个备份文件,如果没有更新问题,你可以通过 mvn versions:commit
在Go web服务器中实现prefork和affinity

This Multi-Processing Module (MPM) implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server that handles requests in a manner similar to Apache 1.3. It is appropriate for sites that need to avoid threading for compatibility with non-thread-safe libraries. It is also the best MPM for isolating each request, so that a problem with a single request will not affect any other.
巅峰对决 - 框架的性能比较