2017年10月10日 工具 by smallnest Convert Shadowsocks into an HTTP proxy 备用,不解释 socks5 to http proxy 1、 首先安装 polipo, 设置parent proxy to Ss: 123apt-get install poliposervice polipo stoppolipo socksParentProxy=localhost:1080 & macosx运行 12brew install polipopolipo socksParentProxy=localhost:1080 & 设置全局http proxy: 123http_proxy=http://localhost:8123 apt-get updatehttp_proxy=http://localhost:8123 curl www.google.comhttp_proxy=http://localhost:8123 wget www.google.com 对于git: 12345git config --global http.proxy clone https://github.com/xxx/xxx.gitgit xxxgit xxxgit config --global --unset-all http.proxy glide mirror 123456789$ rm -rf ~/.glide$ mkdir -p ~/.glide$ glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/mobile https://github.com/golang/mobile --vcs git$ glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/crypto https://github.com/golang/crypto --vcs git$ glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/net https://github.com/golang/net --vcs git$ glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/tools https://github.com/golang/tools --vcs git$ glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/text https://github.com/golang/text --vcs git$ glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/image https://github.com/golang/image --vcs git$ glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/sys https://github.com/golang/sys --vcs git Newer badger 一个高性能的LSM K/V store Older [转]KV存储的对比