C++ Bridge Declarations
mod ffi {
// C++ types and signatures exposed to Rust.
unsafe extern "C++" {
type BlobstoreClient;
fn new_blobstore_client() -> UniquePtr<BlobstoreClient>;
fn put(self: Pin<&mut BlobstoreClient>, parts: &mut MultiBuf) -> u64;
fn tag(self: Pin<&mut BlobstoreClient>, blobid: u64, tag: &str);
fn metadata(&self, blobid: u64) -> BlobMetadata;
Results in (roughly) the following Rust:
pub struct BlobstoreClient {
_private: ::cxx::private::Opaque,
pub fn new_blobstore_client() -> ::cxx::UniquePtr<BlobstoreClient> {
extern "C" {
#[link_name = "org$blobstore$cxxbridge1$new_blobstore_client"]
fn __new_blobstore_client() -> *mut BlobstoreClient;
unsafe { ::cxx::UniquePtr::from_raw(__new_blobstore_client()) }
impl BlobstoreClient {
pub fn put(&self, parts: &mut MultiBuf) -> u64 {
extern "C" {
#[link_name = "org$blobstore$cxxbridge1$BlobstoreClient$put"]
fn __put(
_: &BlobstoreClient,
parts: *mut ::cxx::core::ffi::c_void,
) -> u64;
unsafe {
__put(self, parts as *mut MultiBuf as *mut ::cxx::core::ffi::c_void)
// ...
Speaker Notes
- The programmer does not need to promise that the signatures they have typed in are accurate. CXX performs static assertions that the signatures exactly correspond with what is declared in C++.
unsafe extern
blocks allow you to declare C++ functions that are safe to call from Rust.